Ornaghi & Prestinari, Filemone e Bauci, 2017, Milano

Ornaghi & Prestinari, Filemone e Bauci
with the contribution of CityLife for ArtLine Milano

Filemone e Bauci is a cast aluminium sculpture of two humanized columns standing arm in arm while beholding the new soaring towers before them. The architecture of the past observes that of the present. Baucis and Philemon are two ancient Greek mythological figures who grew old together enduring the hardships of life thanks to the strength of their union and were the only ones to welcome Zeus and Hermes when they showed up at their door in need of shelter.

After specializing respectively in industrial design and architecture, Valentina Ornaghi (Milan, 1986) and Claudio Prestinari (Milan, 1984) directed their interests towards visual arts initiating a partnership in 2009. Ornaghi & Prestinari’s works explore different techniques and media, such as installations, sculptures, engravings, and even embroidery, developing an artistic practice in which material research and artisanal and industrial process experimentation are key. Transformation and the care and repair of everyday objects are some of the themes they investigate in their production. Always mindful of the functional and aesthetic quality of their projects, with their gentle and subtle practice Ornaghi & Prestinari add a unique poetic quality to common everyday objects.
